Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Dog owners lead healthier lifestyle, study shows

People who have pet dog are found to be healthier compared to those who do not own dog for a pet.  The new study by Michigan State University revealed healthier lifestyle among dog owners than non dog-owners.
According to the study, dog owners are able to spend 30 minutes on the average taking their dogs out for a walk or a short run. This improves the pet owners’ activity level and allows them to follow a regular exercise program.
For five days a week, dog owners are able to spend half an hour which gives them an edge over others.  The study also claims that owners of dog are 34% more likely to achieve their exercise target.
The US public health department has suggested a minimum of 150 minutes of exercise per week. This study supports the health campaign of the department in that it has made it certain that keeping a dog increases the probability of following regular exercise.
Dr. Matthew Reeves from Michigan State University responded to the study by claiming that there is no magic formula to achieve the target.  He stressed, however, that having a dog results in significant affirmative results.
Dog owners have significant edge over others, but Dr Reeves claims that there are many who still follow their strict discipline to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

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